RAPAD’s Renewable Energy Vision:

For our region to generate Queensland’s electricity needs from renewable energy, in turn facilitating transformative economic and social benefit for our region, while becoming an energy superpower of the low carbon world. 

Below details major milestones and some of the work, research, network development and community consultation, in addition to support from the Queensland Government, that is behind where we are today.  


RAPAD commissioned the Regional Australia Institute to undertake research on its behalf to identify key areas of potential economic growth - renewable energy was one of those areas.

RAPAD established relationships with renowned economist and renewable energy expert Prof Ross Garnaut AC, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Grattan Institute to start working on a plan to take our natural asset of ‘some of the best solar resources in the world’ and convert it into new industries and jobs to grow and sustain our community.


RAPAD Renewable Energy Forum held to discuss opportunities with representatives from local government, industry and Queensland Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

The vision to ‘generate Queensland’s electricity needs, and bring transformative benefit to the region’, endorsed by all in attendance. 

RAPAD’s Strategic Plan now highlights its drive to focus on renewable energy opportunities. 

Released the Realising the Big Vision report (https://rapad.com.au/publications/realising-the-rapad-big-vision) and community consultation which confirmed the community is behind our renewable energy vision.


BREZ formed - the Barcaldine Renewable Energy Zone (BREZ) concept formed in partnership with RAPAD, Prof Ross Garnaut AC and his company, and Barcaldine Regional Council. 


$7 million committed in the State Budget towards common user infrastructure to get the proposed BREZ precinct off the ground: https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/98543.

RAPAD Power Grid project launched: www.rapadpowergrid.com.au.


CWQ Diversification Project - the Queensland Government funded RAPAD to undertake the CWQ diversification project: to undertake an emissions audit of councils and identify and quantify the regional opportunities to adapt to a diversified economy for economic growth, and job creation. 

First international mission - RAPAD undertook its first international mission: Central West Queensland Strategy to Adapt to a Diversified Economy - North America.