Following the meeting at its head office in Austin, the delegation participated in a site tour at Bloom Energy in San Jose.

This stop was also a chance to connect with Trade Commissioners representing Australia and Queensland.

Find out more about Bloom Energy at: www.bloomenergy.com

Lessons from California

While only a short stop on our mission program, it was a great opportunity to continue our conversation with Bloom Energy and see the technology firsthand at its San Jose site.

It was also a worthwhile visit to take a look at the US state with some of the most ‘green credentials’ driven by policy and a desire for environmental benefits versus the leading renewable energy generation state more focussed on delivering economic benefits where we had just visited - Texas.

Trade Commissioner connections

We appreciated the opportunity to meet with Chris Ketter, Australian Consul General, San Francisco and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, and Viki Forrest, Queensland Trade and Investment Commissioner – North America while in San Francisco. They also joined our group on the visit to Bloom Energy in San Jose.

Austrade and Trade and Investment Queensland commissioners and their teams provide valuable support and insight into market, trade and partnership opportunities. We appreciate the chance to make the connection with Chris and Viki to talk all things Central West Queensland, and we look forward to continuing discussions about our region including delivering RAPAD Power Grid.